The key to weight loss 10kg is to make the decision to want to do it, that is, it is in your hands to get it, you just have to change some habits and we will give you the best tips to achieve it.
To begin with, you should know that you do not have to be in a hurry. If we recommend losing weight is to improve health and yes, surely it will also improve your image, but it would not make sense to look better if you put your health to the limit.
A good rate of weight loss is around 0.5kg per week, which would be 2kg per month and in about 5 months you will have lost 10kg. So do not consider “follow a diet”, if not change your habits forever, this way you will not only lose weight but also keep it. Follow a diet to lose weight 10kg in a month in addition to not being very realistic, rest assured that it will affect your health and that you will get a rebound effect in the following months that will affect your future ability to maintain a healthy weight.
Change your way of thinking from just losing weight to: “from now on I will eat healthy.” This mentality will help you to better integrate the diet to your rhythm of life, because by not taking it as something temporary, you have to work all situations, meals out, trips and other commitments.It is about eating all the food groups to get all the nutrients that our body needs. The strategy is based on taking fewer calories than we spend at the expense of sugars and fats, especially those that are not healthy. This strategy is called a hypocaloric diet.
What should we include in our diet?
Dairy Products
Preferably skimmed (milk, yogurt and fresh cheese 0%). If you drink vegetable drinks, choose those enriched in calcium.
All vegetables are recommended. Inclúyelas so much in the food as in the dinner like main dish, from the leaves for salad, tomato, cucumber … to vegetables like eggplant or zucchini, or cruciferous (broccoli, cabbages …) and also the mushrooms.
All fruits are also recommended, especially the banana. The ideal is to take 2 or 3 servings every day. You can take it between hours. They are an ideal snack. orange and mango because they contain more sugar, and avoid juices.
Cereals and Tubers
This group of foods is what we use in an energetic way. We must take it so that the body can perform its functions, but we must control the amount so that the body can also take advantage of the energy reserves (accumulated fat) and lose weight. The indicative amount that must be added in the meal and the dinner is the measure of a fist.Rice, pasta, couscous, bread … preferably whole, legumes (lentils, chickpeas or beans) and potatoes.
Eggs: 3-4 eggs a week.Meats: Preferably white (chicken or turkey) and one, maximum twice of red meat (beef) Recommended sausages: turkey breast, chicken or cooked ham. Fish: Increases its consumption to the detriment of meat. Try to take at least 3 times a week white fish (hake, sole, cod …) and 1 or 2 times blue fish (salmon, anchovies, mackerel …) Seafood: you can also incorporate it into your recipes as white fish. Clams, cockles, squid, cuttlefish, prawns …
Oils and Fats
The most recommended is olive oil (best raw), although you have to moderate its amount to 2 or 3 tablespoons per day. You can also add a little avocado or a handful of toasted or raw nuts.
It is as important to choose food well as to cook it properly. The most recommended cooking are those that can be prepared with little fat. If you cook for more than one, calculate the amounts of the recipe in proportion to your diet.Use the iron and the oven. You can steam or boil. And if you are a little cooker you will surely know how to make a stew or a sauce without going over oil.
The trick is to simmer, stir from time to time and add a little broth if you see that it dries or sticks.To be able to carry out the diet you must always have fruits and vegetables at home. Ideally, you should buy a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables at least once a week (for salads, vegetable creams, sauté them, boil them …).
And if the week gets complicated and you do not have time, it is always good to have homemade vegetables such as asparagus or artichokes that will solve a dinner.When you buy fish or meat, buy for more than a day and what you do not consume in 1 or 2 days you freeze it. Having eggs in the fridge is always a great resource!If you have commitments in sight, do not worry! If you go to a restaurant, choose a first salad and something grilled or grilled second, or a carpaccio that are delicious.
Try not to drink more than one glass of wine and drink water. And if they invite you to someone’s house, just relax, and take moderate rations.
Other Healthy Habits
Practicing exercise will help you achieve your goals. Not only increases energy expenditure but it is a healthy habit recommended for everyone. It keeps you in shape, improves your muscle mass, the cardiorespiratory system and, on a psychological level is a great ally: it helps you to release tension and improves your perception of body image.
It is important that you find an exercise that you like, if you do not end up looking for excuses not to do it, the benefits of the sport multiply if you enjoy it. From swimming, running, or going by bike, directed activities, team sports, dance or martial arts. There are plenty of sports to choose from. And if you can not do planned exercise, do not forget that daily activity also counts, walk more and climb stairs. You see, it’s not that difficult. Step by step you can achieve your goals.