This is the time to wear those pants sexy, in this post we will give you a tips of the best exercises to increase and harden your buttocks.
As a recommendation you have to exercise 3 times a week, every two days, it is not recommended to do the same exercise on consecutive days and only 30 minutes a day the exercises for the buttocks.
Abduction of the hip.
This exercise mainly works the middle gluteus – Lying on the left side, place your left support arm on your head and the other on the side of your body. The right leg bending the knee, you will raise it at an angle of 70º and lower the leg slowly. – When finished, change sides and repeat with the other leg. – There are 4 series of 10 to 12 repetitions per side.
Sumo squat
Squats is one of the best exercises to work your buttocks.
Tip: To intensify the exercise you can do it with weights, carrying an adequate weight and no more than you can lift since it is more important the quality of the movement than the amount of weight.
This exercise works most of the muscles of the thigh and all the gluteus leaving them rounder and stronger.
– Perform 3 sets of 12 repetitions.
Dead weight
The deadlift is a compound exercise since several muscles are worked at the same time as the hamstrings, the lower back and the gluteal area. A variation of this exercise for the most advanced is unilateral rigidity. At the moment of downward movement one leg extends backwards. In this case, doing the same number of repetitions on each leg.
– 4 Series of 12 repetitions in each leg.
Hip extension
This exercise works the thighs and buttocks.
– With the body slightly inclined forward.
-With the left leg slightly bent and the right leg straight, the left leg is raised back the more you can lift it and with an appropriate weight of the pulley.
– Repeat this with the right leg when finishing the repetitions with the left.
– Perform 4 sets of 12 repetitions per leg.